
What Signs Do Scorpios Get Along With

Andrea writes on diverse topics from dating, couples, astrology, weddings, interior design, and gardens. She studied moving picture and writing.

Scorpios are elusive creatures who love the chase. However, when they like you, it's obvious.

Scorpios are elusive creatures who love the chase. Still, when they like you, it's obvious.

For any reason, there is a great deal of intrigue and wonder when it comes to the Scorpio—they tin be difficult to read. People find Scorpios to exist private, sensual, mysterious, eloquent, or even childlike. That'southward because Scorpio has a broad range of emotions that many other zodiacs never experience.

This may be why many of the greatest actors are Scorpios, like Ryan Gosling, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Julia Roberts. In order to play great characters, you must sympathize the full force of emotions and how to harness them. Ryan Reynolds is a typical Scorpio. He plays ane of the most typical Scorpios ever: Deadpool.

Despite all that intrigue, Scorpios are adequately easy to read in relationships. If they are interested in you, they will keep the conversation going regardless of what it may cost them. They'll want to spend fourth dimension with you one-on-one and with minimal distractions.

Texting Habits of Affectionate Scorpios

Scorpios are looking for something deeper than a physical connection. The all-time advice I have for steering a Scorpio relationship is don't head to the sheets immediately.

They probably will only see yous as a casual thing. What you lot need to do is get them talking, allow them open up nearly their private matters, and get the wheels in their head turning. Accept everything slowly, and you'll accept a long-term relationship. And I do hateful everything. Don't reveal your cards too quickly—Scorpios love mystery.

  1. When a Scorpio likes you, they'll utilize texting as a mode to check in on you. They'll ask about your twenty-four hour period and ask how you are doing to see if you desire to hang out. They like to slowly but surely unsolve yous.
  2. They'll compliment you about your personality, your looks, your brain, your emotions—everything.
  3. They'll exist straightforward with you lot. If a Scorpio has fabricated upward their mind about someone, they are going after them.
  4. A Scorpio will utilise texting to create a foundation for the human relationship. They'll text you throughout the 24-hour interval; you'll never exist surprised to see a message from them.
  5. They'll text yous that they had a good time with you and would similar to spend more than time with you.
  6. They'll text you to attempt to go to know you. Scorpio likes the hunt and the mystery. They accept a lot of questions, only they don't want to come off edgeless.
  7. They'll text you to plan dates or to hang out—they'll attempt to meet upwardly with yous in person.
  8. They'll text y'all and inquire you questions about things they know you are going through. They might ask you virtually your rough day at piece of work, how your mom is doing, if the dog'southward surgery went well, or if your car needs to be fixed.
  9. If a Scorpio likes you, they'll desire to assist you in any way they can. They might offer to give yous a ride when your motorcar dies, they may make yous soup when you are sick, and they may endeavor to entertain you and so that you experience good.
  10. When a Scorpio texts you and they similar you, they'll respect what time of day information technology is and your schedule.
  11. A Scorpio will want to run across with you lot in private considering they respect privacy and they want to share it with you lot.
  12. A Scorpio volition exist super excited to tell you things that are of import to them. Like the fact that their sister is in town, that they got a new job, or that they are thinking nigh getting a puppy.
  13. A Scorpio volition desire to know and brand sure that you are happy. They will want to support you.
  14. You'll find that the Scorpio is focused on only you and no longer communicates with other romantic interests.
  15. A Scorpio will continue their texts somewhat concise instead of sending whole novels to yous. Over-texting tin can be overwhelming, and they are conscious of that.
  16. A Scorpio will text you when they think you look nice.
  17. A Scorpio volition text you. Period.
  18. A Scorpio volition mention movies they think you'll like.
  19. When Scorpio likes someone, they try to exist really clear about information technology.
  20. They'll make sure to interact with you lot outside of texting.

Scorpios Know What They Want

When a Scorpio likes someone, they do what they tin to make things happen. They are known for existence physical, but they are as well highly intelligent, emotional, and perceptive. This makes them get burnt out a lot. They sometimes give up entirely on finding someone they are compatible with.

All Scorpios are looking for someone who accepts them, lets them exist, and encourages them. A Scorpio volition offer you swell loyalty, simply if you cross them, they may cut the cord and move on — don't play games of infidelity with them.

A Scorpio loves a good mystery. They tend to latch on longer to those with neat minds or interesting quirks. They don't actually intendance for something too normal or too dry—they'll zone out and go into zombie mode.

Scorpio wants someone they tin show off. They want someone who is both arm and listen candy, but they're not fifty-fifty sure if that kind of person exists. Scorpios can exist some of the filthiest, downright sexually-crazed people y'all've ever met—think Deadpool—and they can too exist a form act, similar James Bond. Scorpios have a want to take charge. Most of the Scorpios I know fabricated the first move.

A Scorpio will desire you. They'll desire to know everything most you. This should exist clear in their texts. They don't desire yous in pieces, they want to know everything, and they want to similar everything. They want to know what makes yous tick, why you are so kind, why you lot become so cranky at some random hour, and they want to know your personal philosophies. When matured, a Scorpio volition expect for a long-term partner that makes for a strong support system.

Make Sure They Like Y'all for Who Yous Are Inside

When it comes to a Scorpio, or anyone for that matter, what is well-nigh important is that the number one reason they like yous is your center. I know it may seem silly, just your relationship together isn't going to exist strong plenty if they merely like you lot for your looks or your listen. They need to be interested in your middle.

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Inquire them why they like you and make certain they intendance about your center; otherwise, y'all could terminate upward heartbroken. Nosotros don't care enough about hearts in our guild — the number ane cause of death in the western world is cardiac arrest. Examine your heart and free yourself of all the lies around you lot. It doesn't matter how many people you date or how many romantic adventures you lot do in this earth — let your heart to be your top priority.

You need to love your eye first — everything else is a luxury. Otherwise, your body will wither, your mind will fade, and your personality will go flat. How yous honey, how you treat others, your kindness — that is what is important. There is no such matter as wisdom without kindness. The two are inseparable. Wisdom is a symptom of kindness. Without kindness, yous are only shrewd.

This content reflects the personal opinions of the author. Information technology is accurate and true to the all-time of the writer's knowledge and should non be substituted for impartial fact or advice in legal, political, or personal matters.

Questions & Answers

Question: Practise Scorpios ignore you then the next day seem interested in y'all?

Answer: Aye. I've witnessed it myself. They might be trying to play information technology cool. They might also be conflicted about where they stand with you lot. Scorpios will be interested and effort to ignore it all at in one case.

© 2016 Andrea Lawrence

Lola on June 28, 2020:

There is this male child that I similar ( he'south a Scorpio ) and he's ever busy when always I try texting him. I already confessed my feeling for him, and he knows that. Just when ever I try texting him, he'south always busy, fifty-fifty in the times he says he's non, all of a sudden he becomes busy. I simply want to know if he feels the same way. Please I need answers

loulou on June 19, 2020:

why sometimes scorpio guys take so long to answer ur text message does that mean that they hate u.s. our they just want alone time.

Alice on May 26, 2020:

Me and this guy who is a Scorpio have been talking for iv months we had a bang-up connection going on and we talked all twenty-four hours every twenty-four hours. Recently he ghosted me LITERALLY out of nowhere similar I sent him a usual text and he left me on read and hasn't texted me back in 3 days ....And so I honestly accept zero clue on why he did that or what to practise.

Star divination lover13 on April 28, 2020:

Well i started a conversation with a scorpio guy n nosotros hit information technology ok. We really had alittle argue n becuz of my insecurities i was not trye with myself northward him in start but later on i told him everything truthfully. He even accepted our friendship but today he didn't replied except 1 emoji...i feel like I'1000 pressuring him or something but i think i just did something incorrect in our friendship and now i don't know what to do. I'm Pisces due north i have alot of insecurities n information technology feels similar he understands it so i really don't wanna lose a friend like him...Delight tell what should i do?

Scorpio Sadistic on November 25, 2019:

Nonetheless once again I stung my victim. my first was a first relationship that terminal xiii years. My persuasive and mannerly attibutes presided. Gave my life to his will, my Aquarius. Provided my strong soul to his only in the end, he was lost. I've stung once again again with a new host. Fallin to my sexually desires. I'k lost without a host but I must release him, before its too late.

Ray ray on August 04, 2019:

And so my situation is a little complicated so please bear with me. I was married but the human relationship was dead for the last 2 years of information technology. Nosotros had lots of issues which I won't delve into. I met a scorpio guy who immediately sparked something. I couldn't finish thinking about it. I was separated when I started talking to him. He talked to me everyday at 1 point and even invited me out once and paid the tab. He would e'er compliment, flirt, and ask me questions most myself. He would ask for pics constantly and I would send him pics of me (aught sexual). He always said I was just a friend so I admitted my feelings at 1 point and told him to stay away from me. He didn't talk to me for ii days then completely freaked out on me and said he likes me and that he didnt want anything until I was legally divorced. I agreed and told him to printing interruption until I did that. Then he said suddenly he never liked someone enough to be serious with which included me. I gave up on him at that point. We didnt talk and and then my parents pressured me to go back with hubby and I was back and suddenly that guy messaged me 3 days in a row and I told him straight upwards "sorry deceit talk anymore I have decided to get back with my hubby" which he just said good luck. I still saw this guy constantly at places I went to and avoided him like all hell all while being in the shitty marriage. He would stare at me and exist in front end of where I sabbatum with my friends. I was secretly super super into him and trying to forget. 3 months of beingness with psycho hubby and we got divorced. After sorting out my mess, I talked to that guy again except this time he said he doesnt similar me like that and no girl ever made him fall for her. He always sends me greeting in forenoon and is always checking up how I'm feeling. He gives me freebies at his work and was smiling and staring at me hardbody when he saw so he avoids me suddenly side by side day. He letters me daily but never asks me to hang. I have never felt similar this before merely hes and then hot and cold. Should I just surrender hope and distance myself or wait it out considering he is mad at me still maybe for returning to my ex instead of him in by? He is also very charming and a histrion in his past so am I just getting played?

Leo_allday on June 27, 2019:

Y'all i was talking with a Scorpio man for a few weeks now online. Everything was great we're like the same person, texts all mean solar day and dark. and he's admitted he wouldn't be able to be in a relationship rn due to trust issues but also admitted he likes me. We had a minor argument merely talked a few days later but it was dissimilar to no talk at all. Is it done for certain?

SunflowerPisces on June 18, 2019:

I cannot figure the Scorpio out that is flirting with me. He sexts with me (he lives 2 hours away), and we have known each other for yearrrrs. Nosotros have both been in off and on relationships and never single at the same fourth dimension.

This Scorpio seems to take trust seriously. I'thousand a Pisces btw . He has told me how he loves that I trust him. He sends me some wild photos so I assume he trusts me. Is that rare !?! I also cannot figure out why he won't meet me on his twenty-four hour period off. I have told him I will meet him half way. He won't do information technology. Even so, he says if he can find another task where I alive, he may want to move in with me. Is he bravado fume ? I tin't stand non seeing him but don't want to become him upset and have him vanish.

Taylor on June 12, 2019:

As a Scorpio myself, I can confirm all of this with 100% accurateness. I do all of these things!

Andrea Lawrence (author) from Chicago on January 17, 2019:

Just exist yourself with a Scorpio. If you try to act like a different person with unlike interests, they'll see right through y'all. You lot either connect with them or yous don't, just you lot tin't simulated it.

Reicheiru on Jan 15, 2019:

My friend is trying to set me up with a scorpio only i have no idea how to ask her about information technology. Ive e'er had an atraction to the scorpios affectionate side but i deceit figure out how to talk to them (im bisexual and me and the person havent met yet) im srry if i seem like a greedy brat... plz dont get upset at me whomever reads this!

Andrea Lawrence (writer) from Chicago on January 09, 2019:

A Scorpio wants loyalty, unconditional love, and the manner their mother treated them... I know, weird. They like to have their ego adorned. Make sure to spend quality fourth dimension with him regularly, and it doesn't have to be too fancy. Compliment the connection you accept, and show that y'all trust him. Scorpio desires to keep its commitments, so it picks them carefully.

Ina on Jan 08, 2019:

I met my scorpio human online about 3 years agone. We take separated twice amicably, one time for reasons relating to our childrens needs, and one time his selection due to a misunderstanding. We reunited about a yr agone, as he reached back out to me, both times. Honestly I idea I had lost him forever and I always play things cool with him. I know he cares for me, as he as told me. When we beginning met he expressed his love for me and I for him. Im completely in honey with him, however I requite him his infinite because I dont desire to scare him abroad or make hum always feel smothered. Im a Taurus woman. Im enjoying our time together now, simply how will I ever know if we will remain together? Do yous accept any advice on how to stay abiding in his life so he knows Im willing to be by his side always? Thanks

Bella on December 12, 2018:

We had been talking for two weeks for everyday, and then he went off the radar, cz he said he had to meet some deadlines before his parents went over for the holidays. Long story brusk I'm curious to know if he will text back? cz chances are he might take forgotten well-nigh me entirely. By the looks of information technology, I'thousand falling for him. It'south ridiculous that we have only spoken for two weeks and I might exist falling for him and now that nosotros don't talk anymore... He's a scorpio and I'yard a cancer. Aid! I

Friend on Oct nineteen, 2018:

@Natali - How did the two of yous run into? Where is he from since you say that the 2 of y'all are finally meeting?

Supremo on October 18, 2018:

I'm a Capricorn man I'm actually dating a Scorpio we chatted for like 2 months now and we seen each other 3 times on the 3rd engagement nosotros had sexual activity. Everything was fine. Only these past few days she'southward getting cold I asked her why. She said she simply sometimes Isolate herself. What should I practice? I'one thousand having feelings for her and I can't afford to loose this ane. Help me thank you

Natali on October 15, 2018:

Im An Aquarius Woman ive been talking to a scoprio for past 6 months now i likem but has stated they only see me as friend and practise no desire to loose me as a friend . they advice me everyday near there life how they feel bout at that place emotions with in them selfs family life my ideas on things we text every day consitant i expressed my emotions an i got stung by way they told me they just dont see me similar that . just im super dislocated i distant my self from that person and they texted me telling me how much they are sorry for interim way they practise because they been going through alot i told them my feelings are getting deeper . i just cant at the moment because they practice non see me similar that . they said they are sorry again said they did not desire hurt my feelings nor loose me as a friend again now im just lost at times i get flirt vibe . only then i get confused on weather if they are just lying about emotions with me considering they dont evidence how they really feel i finally am meeting up with them next month an im nervous . idk what to think how how get into this .

Olivia on October 15, 2018:

I'm a Virgo and I'yard friends with a scorpion I really like. He is sweet and always tries to help me with life problems. We're texting for two years. Once, a yr and one-half ago, he asked me out for java but said information technology'south a care for for as he got new job simply due to schedule nosotros couldn't go out. Nosotros talk about life and earth and human nature and all deep thoughts and we both have agreed at times that nosotros connect to some another mentality. Nosotros have tagged ourselves as friends so I don't experience comfy to face up him with his feelings or he is seeing someone else, simply also at few times experience like he is 'trying' us and doesn't want to accept things fast.

Nosotros're living in unlike towns and known eachother through babyhood home town connections. As nosotros're mostly texting I feel I'm getting mixed signals from him. Considering he really gives hours afterward midnight merely to talk about random stuff. Merely it's ever me who starts a conversation. I feel he might not want to talk but when we talk we talk for hours. Nosotros're really close friends then I don't desire to ruin that in search of a relationship. I prefer to give ourselves all the time and space. But really wants to know if it's worth it? Because it'll injure if I'll fall likewise hard from him. I had a really bad breakup in the past and oasis't been on a existent engagement in past v years. He'southward the first person who bankrupt the walls I congenital effectually me. But also he told me time to time that he went on a date with two-3 girls which didn't work out. So where are nosotros heading?

Cara on September 26, 2018:

I met a scorpio on a local dating app. We have been talking off and on for a month or so at present. Sometimes the conversations are funny, serious, and non -existant. (which I don't listen.) I asked him the other night how he felt about our friendship, he said the texting is fine for now. But you lot tin can't go to know someone through text. So, I'yard wondering why he hasn't tried to ask me out yet? Is he stringing me along, or non interested? I've tried sending flirty messages to him, but he doesn't flirt dorsum, but tries to analyze it then I don't hear for a few days. It's kind o getting on my fretfulness a flake, every bit I am a Virgo. I'grand not investing anymore fourth dimension in on this, but curious as why he hasn't tried to enquire me out yet?

Andrea Lawrence (writer) from Chicago on June 07, 2018:

Try meeting up in person and see what kind of connection you accept. It can be hard to see past text messages.

Laurel111 on June 06, 2018:

Nosotros have been texting for similar 1-2 years, and at first he said that he likes me, but im a capricorn adult female, and i don´t trust people so easily, and at first i said "no". Now i don´t know if he has given upwardly, merely now i like him. And i don´t know, if i should tell him that i similar him. Because it maybe can ruin our relationship or we can be together.

Assassin on May 30, 2018:

He's constantly sending me d@@@ picture is he teasing me? What does that mean? He dirty text me at night!!

Aquarius on May 02, 2018:

My Scorpio friend merely told my Pisces friend that she has depression, and Pisces told me and told me not to tell. Is in that location a manner I tin make her tell me? Or only get her to like me more than? She definitely likes Pisces better, merely said she similar both of us every bit. I merely feel guilty that she thinks I don't know... Also, this has to be washed over text bc she's in her first highschool year and me and Pisces are in the final twelvemonth of intermediate (middle schoolhouse) P.S Does my Aquarius sign bear upon it?

Odinn on May 01, 2018:

What if the Scorpio wants to know erey thing that makes u u the practiced the bad and say they want to have a long term with u and did you get them hints ?

emily on Apr 15, 2018:

i'm a pisces adult female and i'thousand in love with a scorpio, we've dated, kissed, touched, he broke up with me because i was bringing besides much drama into the relationship, i know that now. after nosotros dated he dated someone else for a flake then when they broke up i shared my deep feelings for him and he said information technology was good that i shared them but he also wanted me to get over him, like 2 months pass and he started talking to me more usual, he used to never talk to me at all just now he'southward making conversation with me everyday, i all the same dear him and since he wanted me to go over him, i pretended i was but in his eyes i like him, he'south so disruptive but i wanna be with him so i can share my emotions and make him happy because the girls he's been with, i wanna alter that.

Andrea Lawrence (author) from Chicago on Apr 05, 2018:

Have you ever met in person? It can exist hard to love someone you have no concrete presence with.

Showry on March 21, 2018:

I have been chatting with a scorpio man for about 1 twelvemonth....we met at a online game....then we started chatting and connected everywhere in social media and really close ......he shares everything in his life that happens in a day and also his family unit stories......he gets romantic sometimes even all of a sudden....cuz of such things I asked him if he likes me but he said I'thousand the closest person to his heart .....but I do get some vibes that he likes me maybe.....the sad fact is maybe not like that cuz I read many journals and all says if u love someone u volition want to know their daily life which he never inquire unless i say to him but after I say he listens to whatever i say .....our relation feel like long altitude relationship cuz of the closeness we accept but we text mostly and did few voice calls thats all....he won't show his emotions i know that and over texts its more than difficult to just dislocated does he merely similar me every bit a closest frnd or loves me actually?

Angie on February 07, 2018:

I'1000 an Aries woman, very interested in a Scorpio woman, we've been on iv dates, had sex on the 4th date, notwithstanding she'south hard to read, if she's wanting to take it to the next level?. I asked if she wanted me to stay that night subsequently sex, and she said no, but was politely apologetic and texted me the side by side solar day a give thanks y'all for a fun nighttime. Period. Exercise scorpio woman prefer decision-making the state of affairs? or like the chase? Beingness an Aries, I like the chase, its been a mail two twenty-four hour period tranquility no communication and so far.. Is she interested? or playing it condom? testing me? We've definitely have had had intense eye to eye stares...and experience an intensity of sorts.. but there is a cool gene to her mode of performance... Shall I inquire her straight out where she stands? or allow her have the lead ... going against my Aries nature here :S

Mona on December 10, 2017:

I similar a scorpion man but I am not sure of his feelings. He says he likes me only calls me but at night when he is drunk. We can talk for hours - usually he does the talking. He often makes appointments just is never able to keep them. I am totally confused ! He has asked me out at least 7 times and has cancelled each time.

Amira on November 21, 2017:

Im a Taurus woman, Im starting to similar a Scorpio homo, I call back he likes me besides but he is not likewise obvious well-nigh it, we are very intense together simply he is a scrap mysterious and somehow Im non . Is our zodiac signs usually click? and can nosotros atomic number 82 to real and solid relationship in the future?

Andrea Lawrence (writer) from Chicago on November 16, 2017:

No problem! Love to assistance.

RichardBooth on November sixteen, 2017:

Great advice cheers very much indeed :)

Andrea Lawrence (writer) from Chicago on Nov 16, 2017:

You lot and this Cancer will share some emotional things in common since you are both water signs. You lot'll notice that you connect well one manner or some other, and can actually go into those deep places that peradventure with others y'all don't experience you're fully getting to the root of it.

I say keep talking to this woman. The truth of the matter will come up to the surface in time.

Cancer functions differently than Scorpio. Cancer feels a wheel of emotions and moods similar the moon. They tend to accept a stiff feminine energy to them. Scorpio has a darkness and depth that can go every bit low as the Mariana Trench. Cancer will be accepting of you, but know a lot of people have a hard time when you lot go deep and depression.

Andrea Lawrence (author) from Chicago on November 16, 2017:

Sounds like you would need to meet in person. It's a little odd that he'due south mentioning other girls if he is wanting to unmarried you out as his special one.

RichardBooth on November 16, 2017:

Hey im a scorpio guy im 31 years old ive been talking to cancer lass for 3 days it sounds insane merely i accept never talked to anyother womem with such deep thoughts simply because its and then intense i have a feeling its overwhelming her and I feel shes not the type to say slow down or whatsoever but I get signals that she understands me as I do her but yet scared in some manner to open up just a petty bit more idk how to describe information technology however its a very thoughtful back and fourth shes a wonderful women I thought it was supposed to exist usa scorpios whos defences were difficult to crevice. Yes 3 days is nothing in the context of a lifetime simply its insanely loving and thoughtful like a release of tension for us both best manner to describe it really anyway ive messaged her and said forth the lines of "I'll exit you be for a fleck and who knows what volition happen in the future" I but want her to open up a flake more but hey what tin you lot do eh? I take been in relationships in the past and never quite understood them I tell myself was it love, lust? and information technology was more lust but these three days have shed light on what I want and she wants out of a relationship the stuffwwe both value so its a breeze when we talk merely I but feel as shes scared shes 25 if thats got anything to practice with it I uncertainty it like. only please no one answer and say its 3 days lol trust me nosotros scorpios can feel stuff and the feeling regardless of how long its been etc. you merely pick up on signals.

Candy on November 08, 2017:

I am chatting with a scorpio homo for a month. He said he likes me only he was too shy to tell me he always transport videos about what he is up to and how is he feeling. He'south in the Army that's why nosotros don't have much time to talk to each other. He told me that I am always the starting time person who comes in his mind whenever other girls are texting him. I'yard but not sure virtually it considering I never met him in person but Those videos he was sending me merely feel so real and I always miss everything virtually him. I hope there will be a chance that someday what we have will work out.

Andrea Lawrence (author) from Chicago on July 01, 2017:

Fantabulous. Glad to hear this clicked with you.

Miaka on July 01, 2017:

I tin can't agree more with heart part--and this is the very showtime time, I've seen information technology stated so clearly like this. Proficient job.

Andrea Lawrence (writer) from Chicago on May 25, 2017:

Glad to know it is accurate!

Shannon on May 23, 2017:

I'm a scorpio and i'g very surprised at how accurate this is.

Larry Rankin from Oklahoma on August 03, 2016:

Interesting analysis.


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